With Xmlbar Video Downloader, you can download videos from YouTube along with other, less well known, streaming sites. All you have to do is paste a video link in the program window and click 'download'. Alternatively, you can click 'play' and watch the video in a popup window, although this is virtually the same thing as watching it in your browser. Xmlbar Video Downloader is a unique tool, as along with YouTube, you can download videos from more obscure Asian streaming websites, where you can find all sorts of rare, hard to find videos.
Free Video Downloader For Mac
EasyMule is a free and open-source P2P software to share resources. With easyMule we can use all the world's computers and servers integrated into a huge resource-sharing network. Youku Downloader(xmlbar) - Input the URL from the Youku video website that you want to download and click the download button! It can download with FLV.

Xmlbar Video Downloader For Mac Download

People prefer to download video from Youku because 1. Youku is a resourceful video streaming platform that bought a lot of TV shows or movies copyright from all over world. But Youku can only be accessed if your IP address is in Mainland, China. It's convenient to watch TV shows or movies you like anywhere when you are offline. It meets people needs of smooth video playing after download and you can keep Youku MP4 files forever.