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I appear to have an email item (a calendar update actually) that is the first item in my outlook inbox that causes outlook 15 on Mac Yosemite to crash at startup. Is there a way to start Outlook in some 'safe mode' so I can delete the item from my inbox?
If not, how can I delete this identity and start over or delete the message through Finder so Outlook works again? If not, are there instructions for totally uninstalling Outlook including the identity/data I have already gone to and deleted the inbox item there but, until Outlook connects and updates the local messages, the problem persists.
Any recommendations? This solution worked for me. Here are some (slightly) more detailed instructions: 1. Open a Finder window and go to the Applications folder 2. Hold down the option button on your keyboard and click on the Microsoft Outlook icon and pick 'Show Package Contents' from the pop-up menu 3. Go to the Contents/SharedSupport folder and open the 'Outlook Profile Manager' app 4. Delete the Main Profile: Select it once it shows up and then click the minus sign 5.

Sikker Mail Mac Outlook
Start the Outlook app. Your mail will be gone, but the app won't crash. Click Preferences in the Outlook menu 7. Click the Exchange or Other icon to add back your account 8. Enter your email address and password to add your account.