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Securenet Xtra For Authorware For Mac Download
Create a new “Customer/User” account on the SecureNet service for the new panel. Enter the MAC Address of the Helix system you are installing, and add the customer information required to complete creation of the account. Note: A complete guide to the SecureNet Dealer portal is part of the dealer packet provided SecureNet. The Authorware 7.01 Updater installer can be downloaded above. Download the Authorware 7 File Converter Installer for Windows (2.71 MB) Authorware Mac Packager. The Authorware Mac Packager allows Authorware applications (versions 5.1 through 7) developed on Windows to be delivered on the Macintosh. It includes a local runtime player and an. The bundle id for Buddy API for Mac is com.yourcompany.Buddy.Reg. The common filename for the program's installer is This Mac download was checked by our built-in antivirus and was rated as virus free. Buddy API is an Xtra to be used with Adobe Director and Authorware which allows you access to system functions. SecureNet Xtra for Authorware. The only Xtra that lets Authorware users access the Internet from behind almost any proxy server, and enables secure communications from Macromedia Authorware.
Securenet Xtra For Authorware For Mac
If your sprite images off-screen and only changes visual state occasionally, you may want to set kMoaMmXSpriteCapsFlags_IsStatic in its spriteCaps in response to IMoaMmXSpriteActor::GetCaps(). If an off-screen sprite is static, Director doesn't call the IMoaMmXSpriteActor::CollectChanges() method and only calls upon the sprite to images when you notify it via InvalSpriteRect(), or if redraw is necessary for some other reason (handling an update event, or another sprite which intersects with yours is changing, etc.). For the finest control, you want your sprite to be non-static so you can tell the host application specifically what region of your sprite's rect needs updating in the next frame in response to IMoaMmXSpriteActor::CollectChanges(). Your sprite actor does not have to supply a changed rectangle in response to IMoaMmXSpriteActor::CollectChanges(). If nothing changed, don't image! Director will invoke IMoaMmXSpriteActor::Image() anyway if the sprite moved, changed size, was covered up, etc.
If you are drawing to Director's offscreen buffer, you can get direct access to the pixels in memory. It's complex and OS-specific, but for ultimate performance, you can invoke IMoaMmGC::GetNativeInfo() on the graphics context passed to your Image routine, and then interpret the structure.
You are always passed the entire rectangle of your sprite in IMoaMmXSpriteActor::Image(), regardless of what you supplied to IMoaMmChangeCollector::AddChangeRect(). However, Director does establish a clip region for the part of your sprite that actually needs imaging, whether you are drawing direct-to-stage or to the offscreen buffer. • If you use regular drawing commands, your drawing will be clipped to this area.
• If it takes you a long time to render, you can invoke IMoaMmGC::GetNativeInfo() on the graphics context passed to your Image routine, and then use O/S-specific calls to find out about the clipping region ( visRgn and clipRgn on the Mac, GetClip on Windows). • If you access the pixels directly, you must respect this clipping region. Direct-to-stage sprite assets are called to image on every frame regardless of whether they are static or supply changed rects. This is partly by design; it allows the Xtra to get CPU time for rendering for every frame. It makes sense for video playback that changes with every frame.