Educreations Presentation

  1. Educreations Presentation Software
  2. Educreations Presentations

St'dents ill be able to resear #h in%ormation abo't a s$e#i# animal a nd desi!n an ed'#reation $resentation based o0 their in%ormation. With the hel$ o% others& the' ill be 'sin! #orre#t!rammar& s$ellin!

Educreations is a unique interactive whiteboard and screencasting tool that's. Educreations allows you to record presentations with your own guiding hand. What is Educreations? A interactive whiteboard used to create projects and lessons. You can borrow any lessons you need. You can watch the lessons repeatedly. Any ages can create an interactive white board. You can add pictures and draw on them to explain a topic. The lessons can be as long as you need. You can share the lessons online. Cool tool presentation for INST6213 (Recorded with

And $'n#t'ation. 1es#ribe ho the ob+e#ti,e is rele,ant to st'dents2 li,es. ill be#ome a,er' bi!

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$art o% their ed'#ation #areers. Thro'!h the in%ormation and noin! Ho to #ite their so'r#es ill be#ome,er' im$ortant in the%'t're. This $ro+e#t ill!i,e them a little!lim$se at hat the%'t're holds.

Educreations Presentation Software

Educreations Presentation

Educreations Presentations

List the ords rele,ant to the #ontent area that 'o' ill either introd'#e and/or re,ie d'rin! -Li%e C'#le -'n a#ts -T'$e o% Animal List the materials 'o' ill need to tea#h the lesson. - a#ts the st'dent has%o'nd abo't their animal -i4ad -4en#il 5 4a$er T ea#her Candidate 6ame. 1es#ribe the a##ommodations/di0erenti ation/modi#ations 'o' ill 'se to meet the needs o% all learners and a##ommodate di0er en#es in st'dents2 learnin!& #'lt're& lan!'